Monday, June 29, 2015

My beautiful baby shower!

My friends did such a lovely job throwing my baby shower! I was so showered with love and beautiful gifts. The baby has so many books now, to add to my already wonderful collection of children's literature.
I am a firm believer in this quote: 

“Children are made readers on the laps of their parents.”

I  believe whole-heartidly in cultivating imagination and wonder through reading and enjoying stories spoken over children. I am beyond grateful I was raised by parents who held reading and story telling at such a high standard and a must. I cannot wait to read to my child.

ps: I gave each guest a colored heart of their choosing, when taking a photo with them. Their heart color was their guess on the baby's gender :-)

34 weeks!

How far along: 34 weeks!

How long to go: 6 weeks till my due date!

Mama thoughts: I was feeling very overwhelmed and unprepared the afternoon after my baby shower and the following morning, thinking about everything we still " need" for baby. I was pretty emotional about feeling inadequately prepared, with not having the nursery ready, not having a stroller or crib mattress. I talked with a few wise women, and my pastor prayed over my hubby and I at church, Rory and I also got work done in the nursery after our parenting class yesterday. I am feeling better now. My pastor's prayers were very spot on when He said you aren't prepared, and that's the beauty of the Lord, He will give you what you need when you need it. And I know He wasn't just talking about physical items, but more then that, Jesus will give us everything we need to be the best parents we can be, when we need it. Love, grace, mercy, strength, endurance, etc.  

Nursery: We got the crib wall finished yesterday and I organized the newborn baby clothes I have, feeling a lot better about having more then enough.

Movement: I sure do love feeling the rolls and twists this baby is doing in my belly!! It's amazing that the larger this little one grows the more distinct the movements. In church yesterday, I felt the baby roll, and had Rory put his hand on that spot and the baby rolled across my stomach right where his hand was. It was so neat! 

Sleep: Sleeping pretty good, lots of tossing and turning, but I'm finally starting to train my body to sleep on the left side, which is best for baby at this point because it's getting heavy, and when I sleep on my right side or back, the weight of the baby pushes on important veins and nerves that deliver oxygen and blood to the placenta, so I'm trying my hardest to sleep for only short periods of time on my back or right side 
( the side I always slept on pre-pregnancy) and sleep more on my left side.

How do I feel: I feel great. Some days are harder then others. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions at work, so I try and drink lots of water and take more frequent sitting  breaks. Being on my feet at work is bringing on those " practice" contractions. I've also been drinking Raspberry Leaf tea ( not as tasty as it sounds) which is supposed to help my body get ready for labor. Here's more information on the benefits: Raspberry Leaf Tea and Labor.

I'm also going to start eating dates one month before my due 
date ( July 10th) because a friend said it is supposed to help mom's go into labor naturally and right on time, she and three other friends tried it and all had their babies right around their due dates! 

Parenting classes: Rory, Seth, Rachel & I, are going through material for parenting called: "Preparation for Parenting" by Gary and Anne Mary Ezzo. A couple from our church teach the lessons, and so far we've done three video sessions. The first emphasizes the importance of the family dynamic before baby arrives and how important the marriage relationship is for Children's well being. It also talks a lot about the " why" behind what we do as parents, even from day one, and helps new parents understand the impact these choices have on the rest of your babies life. I sum it up like this: BE INTENTIONAL
we want to be intentional and specific with what we're doing for our child, the habits we're forming and the schedules and routines we're maintaining. Dave our leader put it this way, so perfectly put: " If you don't know the why behind what you're doing, you'll do what's easiest, and that isn't always whats best for you or your baby." That is wisdom. When I am cranky tired and it's 3am, and I don't know why I'm doing what I'm doing, I will do whats easiest, IE: convenient and habit forming. It was a good lesson. 
Yesterday we went through two video sessions, the first on setting good eating patterns with baby, and spending your first 10 days getting full feedings, without any kind of schedule, learning hunger cues and sleeping ( lots). I love knowing the what to do, and having very specific direction with schedules and feedings. What I love about this book and their philosophy is that the ideal schedule should look something like this: hunger cue + clock + P.A. ( parental assessment: which is as it sounds, using our God given ability to know what our child needs) = feeding time.
Basically it isn't a clock or baby led system, it's a little of both and your discernment as a parent. 
It's neither free spirited (baby led) nor legalistic ( clock led)

It's a very real life approach to parenting your child and setting them and their little bodies up for success. This book also highly encourages not using sleeping aids ( rocking chair or swing) or co-sleeping, which is very dangerous for baby and intrudes on Mom and Dad's sacred space. Another thing I love about this book!

I feel so much more prepared after reading up and attending these sessions, with wise godly parents who have lived this out and have wonderful children as a result. Many of the families I admire and respect in my church followed this with their children and I see the results. It's wonderful. 

Additional Information: This week your baby is clocking in at five pounds and could be as tall as 20 inches. In other baby-related developments, those tiny fingernails have probably reached the tips of his fingers by now — and getting ready for that first postpartum manicure. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

33 weeks!

How Far along: 33 weeks! nuts!

How far to go: 6 weeks, 6 days! give or take :-)
I will go over my due date, almost up to a week or two before considering inducement, I want to avoid inducement as much as possible. it's not natural and is almost always followed by an epidural, which I would like to avoid.  

Movement: movements are changing! instead of all kicks and punches and jabs, it's turned into a lot of twist and rolls and i LOVE it! it's the craziest feeling to feel your baby slowly roll across your stomach, it throws me off and makes me laugh. 

Maternity clothes: i love my maternity clothes! thank GOD for maternity clothes, slimming and flattering yet still comfortable. I might need to get a few more bottoms before this pregnancy is over, because the old rubber band trick on my pre pregnancy pants and shorts is a JOKE now. SO uncomfortable! it's leggings only at work now, thank you Starbucks for changing your dress code for us Pregnant gals! ( up until a few months ago, starbucks didn't allow any leggings or yoga pants while working, and they changed their policy months before I got pregnant!)

Cravings: still loving the ice cold drinks! I cannot get enough ice water and chewing on ice.

Weight gain: still only 17lbs! PTL! I had a Dr. appt on friday & was overjoyed to step on that scale and see I haven't gained anything! WOOOO! my Dr. measures my belly at 35weeks, but my last ultra sound is perfect, baby measures in the %63 percentile.

Mama thoughts: ALLL over the place. Sometimes I feel amazing joy looking forward to this baby's arrival, and sometimes I have fearful thoughts about labor and birth, it's so hard to not know how things are going to go, and know that I'm literally the only one who can accomplish this task at hand. I know I will have amazing support, but this is my honor and privilege, to bring this baby into this world. I'm reading this book, little by little. It's mostly stories of woman sharing their birth stories. It's empowering. I love how they have changed the language around birth, instead of saying contraction, they call it a rushing, they want us Mommas to think of it as a rush of energy to get the job done, it's your bodies way of getting ready. It's the only book my sister Karie read and she said it helped her to not feel any fear surrounding birth, she felt so confident going into her birthing experience.

On another note, my BABY SHOWER is this saturday! I'm soooo excited to celebrate this baby's arrival with the ladies from my church and some friends I don't get to see often. I am so excited to " feather" our nursery with all the lovely gifts and things people make for baby. It will feel so real once the nursery is set up! I'm waiting on this baby shower to really start setting up the nursery.

How I feel: I feel really good. I am amazed I can still say that ;) I kinda feel like, when is that going to end?? Some days are harder then others, just like life. But for the most part I really have nothing to complain about. I'm so grateful. As the baby grows, it's nearly 5lbs now (!!!) it does get harder to be on my feet at work, my belly gets sore, but if I get off my feet and sit for a few minutes, it's back to normal. I plan on working till I'm 39 weeks. I've asked to be scheduled more during the day, that way I can sleep in, and not work so late at night, I want to really enjoy these last few weeks with Rory. Being home at night to have dinner and taking walks swimming at His Mom's and relax together, sounds exactly what we need before baby arrives.
I also dropped the two summer school classes I was enrolled in. The decision brought me peace. Only having around 7 weeks left in my pregnancy, sitting a classroom and writing essays, isn't how I want to spend my last few weeks in this pregnancy. It also hit me, how this really is the only time I'm going to have to myself, to rest and prepare for this baby, while still keeping a 20hr work week, before this baby shows up. When I shared this decision with Rory He was in support, and so aptly replied " A lot of change is coming soon." And he's right. I'm going to " guilt-free" enjoy a lot of down time, extra sleep, and time to myself.  

Sleep: Lots of tossing and turning, but not as warm as I was experiencing last week. PTL!

Additional infoThis week your baby may be anywhere between 17 to 19 inches in length and could grow up to another full inch this week — especially if he or she has been on the shorter side. She weighs more than four and a half pounds and is still gaining weight (about half a pound a week — weight gain can range from a third more to a full doubling before the big debut). With that much baby inside your uterus, your amniotic-fluid level has maxed out at 33 weeks pregnant, making it likely you have more baby than fluid now. That's one reason explaining why some of her pokes and kicks feel pretty sharp these days.

Monday, June 15, 2015

32 Weeks!

How far along: 32 weeks

How long to go: 8 weeks till my due date! ( Aug 10th)

How do I feel: really good! The heat has kicked in here in Fresno in FULL force, most days reach over 100* and some over 105*, I feel like summer is starting really early! We usually don't get consistently hot days till July! I think I was in some type of pool 6 days straight last week! I'm getting bronzed! Yay! I love summer and mostly have no real issues with the heat, that I am thankful for!  

Cravings: ICE and ice cold water! I think about chewing ice, on a hot day, there's nothing I want more then a giant glass of cold water and ice.

Sleep: I've been sleeping really hot recently. Thankful we have A/C! Getting to sleep has been hard, but once I'm asleep I'm a ok! Still not getting up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, even though this baby is only getting heavier and when I lay down I feel baby pushing on my bladder. My hands have been getting numb again at night, that's really frustrating. 

Movement: lots and LOTS of it!! It's the best!! Rory has been able to feel some really strong kicks lately when we lay down to go to bed at night. It's so special. The other night I was laying on my left side and baby was moving so much, rolling and twisting, it made me feel sick to my stomach! The only thing I can compare it to, is when you ride a roller coaster and your stomach drops on the big hills or loops, but it's constant. I had to flip over to my back to avoid the feeling :-)  

Mama thoughts: Recently I thought it would be really cute to dress baby in something gender specific when we send out text/ instagram announcements, so I've been looking on Etsy for inspiration: Here are some cute ideas: Baby Boy or baby girl.

Additional information: tipping the scales at almost four pounds and topping out at just about 19 inches. In these past few weeks, it's all about practice, practice, practice as she hones the skills she'll need to thrive outside the womb — from swallowing and breathing to kicking and sucking. In anticipation of that momentous transition to mouth feeding, your baby's digestive system is all set and ready to go. And though you’re weeks away from D-day, your baby's looking more and more like a newborn: As more and more fat accumulates under her skin, it’s becoming less transparent and more opaque.

Monday, June 8, 2015

31 weeks!

My due date has changed to Aug 10th, which is why my weeks are changing on Monday's instead of the Friday or Thursday you were used to! Things are moving quickly toward that due date! It's unreal!

How far along: 31 weeks!
How long to go: Nine weeks left! 

Sleep: Sleep has still been pretty great! I've noticed I've been sleeping a lot warmer recently, but the weather is quickly turning to Summer, so that might be it. Today is supposed to be 105*!

Movement: A LOT of movement, and more frequently throughout the day! I love feeling the baby roll and kick. It's wonderful. I want Rory to feel it more often. Hopefully the bigger the baby gets the more He'll feel it.

Mama thoughts: I'm super excited for my baby shower coming up at the end of June! My two very close friends are planning it and working so hard to make it perfect. I truly cannot wait to see all their hard work! I have also made the final choice on the pattern
( third photo down) for the nursery wall. But finding the time is hard now a days. Rory works 40+ hrs a week and I typically work Saturdays, and Sundays are lazy pool side, family dinner, made for naps, not project, days! :-)

I just found out my best friend Rachel is having a *BOY*!!! Ever since she got pregnant, I had a sense that we'd end up having the same gender children, and I've felt very strongly a few times during this pregnancy that I'm also having a boy. I'm SO curious now!! I truly can't wait to find out if we're cooking a little bestie or a spousie for Seth and Rachel :-) 

Additional InformationThis week, your baby measures over 16-18 inches long. He weighs about 3 1/3 pounds (about the size of a coconut) and is heading into a growth spurt. He can turn his head from side to side, and his arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump out as needed fat accumulates underneath his skin. He's probably moving a lot, too, so you may have trouble sleeping because your baby's kicks and somersaults keep you up. Take comfort: All this moving is a sign that your baby is active and healthy

Thursday, June 4, 2015

***30 weeks***

What a milestone! I don't think I've ever imagined what this would look like for me, before I got pregnant, it just seemed so far off! Only 10 weeks to go! Give or take a week or two. Lord willing this babe comes when it's supposed to! And after 40 weeks! I want this baby in there till 40 weeks! That's best for baby. 

How do I feel: Pretty great this week!! I'm grateful for such an easy healthy pregnancy. I have nothing to complain about! Symptoms come and go, but nothing sticks, and my baby is right on track for growth, 63% percentile. And all of my tests and numbers are perfect. I am so grateful!

Nursery: I finally decided on the pattern for the crib wall! It's another Sharpie paint pen design, made with sharpie paint pens!! I'm stoked. Can't wait to work on this project with Rory, we have so much fun doing house projects! 

What I'm looking forward to: My baby shower!!! It's later this month and I cannot wait to celebrate this little one with so many ladies, that I love and adore. I cannot wait to get a few more items to feel a little more prepared for being a Momma. Thanks gals for helping me feather my nest! If you're curious on how I'm having a baby shower while not knowing the gender, we're doing a children's book themed party!
I also have two registries that are filled with good neutral things! 

Amazon & Buttons diapers ( we are cloth diapering) 

I'm also counting down the days ( 31) till we go to Montana to visit with my Mom and sister and her family! We are flying for the fourth of July ( my FAVORITE holiday!) for about five days! I cannot wait to float the lazy river, soak in the high mountain sun, and celebrate while having time with my family!!  

Mama thoughts: I have a strong feeling we're having a boy. I lay in bed at night and think about my baby and dwell on imagining how it will all go down on that big day and my heart feels strongly we're having a boy. We shall see!

Movement: I loveeee feeling this little one move around, it's such a fantastic feeling! It never gets old. It puts a smile on my face!! I look forward to it daily.

Maternity Gear: I love my my mat clothes. I haven't purchased anything new, except for a pair of maternity swim shorts for my upcoming swim class at City College this summer! They're perfect.    

Sleep: sleep this week has been pretty good. I've been sleeping in so much since ending my spring semester at the end of may.   

Additional Information: Your baby's about 15.7 inches long now and weighs almost 3 pounds (about the size of a large cabbage). A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds your little one, but that volume will shrink as your baby gets bigger and takes up more room in your uterus. Eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after baby's born, they'll keep their eyes closed for a good part of the day. (