Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ramona's birth story: Hours 10:00 pm - 10:31am

Part one here

My water breaking was the mental edge I needed! I asked the nurse, " Does this mean
I won't have to get Pitocin?" She said she thought that might be the case but they wanted to see how my body progressed. Well thankfully my body did just that! I went from 2 or 3 cm to 7 cm in a matter of hours! 

11:00 pm-2:00 am 

I walked the halls with Becca and Rory, swayed back and forth during contractions and took a hot shower. Every hour or so I had to return to the room for the nurse to get a good read on Mona's heart rate. During that time, while I had to stay close to the monitor, I swayed and used the meal table on wheels to help stabilize myself. Rebecca made me a wash cloth with lavender oil on it so I could breathe it in during contractions, that helped me so much! She also massaged my lower back a lot! I apparently had Pandora on. haha! I couldn't even tell you what station it was on, or what music was playing. Rebecca also had small battery operated tea lights around the room, and the lights turned down low. It helped the room feel relaxing and calm. 

2:30 am:

Had a dilatation check from my nurse Kim. I had requested on my birth plan, not to get updates on how much or how little I had dilated, only because I've heard how discouraging it can be. But my nurse asked me anyways... do you want to know what you're dilated to? I couldn't decide so she told me anyways... I'll never forget hearing those words come out of her mouth! " You're at a seven." 
!!!!!! What. That was so encouraging!! So we called my family back to the hospital. They couldn't believe I had progressed so quickly! 

3:00 am to 8:00 am

I stayed in bed the rest of the morning, trying to find a comfortable position to lay and labor in. Unfortunately at some point in the early morning my nurse had me start pushing, and after a half hour realized part of my cervix was still too thick. So i stopped pushing and we waited. 

I love this photo... Its my sister and Mother in law outside of my hospital room, my Mother in law's ear, pressed to the door... (insert heart eyessss)

Ps: THANK YOU DAD for these photos!!

8:00 am- 10:31 am   

I pushed for about 2.5 hours plus the half hour prior. It was unbelievably intense. I asked for something about an hour in, to help me with pain. The nurse gave me fentanyl. It is a muscle relaxer. It didn't relieve any pain but did help me relax between contractions. Since Ramona wasn't in the right position the nurse Kristy had me pushing in all sorts of positions to try and flip her. None of them felt good expect using the birthing bar. They connected a sheet to the birthing bar and during the contractions I pulled on the sheet and sent all of my energy downward. It was the exact same birthing position my sister labored and delivered her son, in as well! :-D

Ramona's Birth:
At the very end of pushing, my Doctor called in extra nurses, and so at one point we had a total of 6-8 nurses 4 of which were standing by. I had no idea what was going on, and it worried me a bit. It also gave me the encouragement to get her out! I gave the last push, so anxious to meet my baby and know what we had!!! The cord was between her legs, so Rory couldn't see the gender! They removed the cord, and He looked at me and said with such light and joy in his eyes, " Babe, we have a girl!" It was the sweetest look in his eyes, it just melted my heart. Brings tears to my eyes as I type.
The nurse had to cut the cord, which is something I didn't want them to do, I wanted the cord to drain fully and we had also planned for Rory to cut the cord. But they were concerned because her shoulder was stuck coming out, so they were worried about her little body. They showed her to me ( I couldn't believe that head of hair!) She was so gorgeous.
I was blown away that I had a daughter!! They took her to a table to inspect her and make sure her little shoulder was ok. 

Birth and labor are so unbelievably intense, having a few moments to simply gaze at my little girl from a few feet away, was such a good time for me to process and for it to hit me! 
And then they laid her on my chest.
The moment they laid her on my chest, it was the most natural feeling I've ever felt. It was like, "Oh yes. You. You who have been part of me for almost a year. You are mine." It was like my heart was outside of my body. I finally got it. Being a Momma is one of the greatest gifts God will ever give me.

More to come!

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